Fact or Fiction – Presidential Trivia

Which of these statement do you think are fact or fiction?

  1. Harry S. Truman used to get up at 5 a.m. each morning to practice playing the piano.

  2. Grover Cleveland personally answered the White House phone.

  3. Jimmy Carter was the first president to be born in a hospital and he studied nuclear physics while attending Annapolis Naval Academy.

  4. Lyndon Johnson did not like his official portrait. He said it was the ugliest thing he had ever seen.

  5. At one time, Gerald Ford worked as a fashion model for Cosmopolitan and Look Magazines.

  6. Ronald Reagan was the only president who had been divorced.

  7. John Quincy Adams was the first president to have his photograph taken.

  8. Woodrow Wilson was an avid golfer and used black golf balls when he played in the snow.

  9. Warren Harding lost all the White House China while gambling in a card game.

  10. Hubert Hoover donated his entire salary to charity.

  11. Richard Nixon was the first president to visit all 50 states in the US.

  12. Barack Obama is a collector of Spiderman and Conan the Barbarian comic books.

  13. William Taft was the largest president. He weighed 332 pounds and got stuck in the White House bathtub the first time he used it.

  14. George Washington was the first president who did not represent a political party when elected.

  15. Harry S. Truman’s mother was a confederate sympathizer. When she visited the White House she refused to sleep in Lincoln’s bedroom.

Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.  All the statements above are true.

One Response to “Fact or Fiction – Presidential Trivia”

  1. Vivian Kirkfield Says:

    Love this post, Linda!

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