Merry Christmas from Thomas Nast

In 1890, just iCovern time for the Christmas season, Harper & Brothers published Nast’s book of Christmas drawings entitled Christmas Drawings for the Human Race. The booked featured drawings that had previously appeared in Harper’s Weekly from 1863 to 1886 and new drawings Nast created just for the book.

Nast used holly, mistletoe, and evergreen boughs to enhance his drawings.  His five children modeled for him and he used the rooms in his house as a stage for many of his drawings.mistoe

Christmas Flirtation

In a drawing entitled Christmas Flirtation, Nast drew his daughter Julia standing in front of the fireplace mantel below a sprig of mistletoe covered with berries. In England, it was a custom for boys to pluck a berry from the mistletoe every time they kissed a girl. When all the berries were gone, the privilege of kissing ended. Evidently, Nast was implying that Julia did not want the privilege of kissing to end too soon.

Another Stocking to Fill

nast and cyril

Christmas Eve was a joyous occasion in the Nast home. Nast arranged presents around the candle-lit family Christmas tree.  Intermixed with the presents were big elaborate paper dolls that Nast created for his children.





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