Speakers’ Showcase!

Speakers Showcase Catherine

Catherine Mowbray Lorenz

Last April, I participated in a Speaker’s Showcase.  Although,  I wasn’t sure what I was getting into, it turned out to be a very rewarding and useful experience.

The showcase included a moderator, a time keeper, and a videographer.  The moderator set up our presentations by introducing us.  Then the camera began taping.  The timekeeper clued us with two minute warnings.  We were each videotaped for 8 minutes.

Speakers showcase sylvia

Sylvia Becker-Hill

Twenty-two people spoke in the showcase.  We were all from varied backgrounds: investing, business, sales, authors, social media and a few toastmasters spoke.  After each presentation, we rated each other on a simple evaluation sheet.  That was really the bonus.

From the evaluations I learned at times I needed to raise my voice, I looked at my prompts too often (because I turned my head away from my audience), and I used the word “um” several times.

On the positive side, I received many encouraging comments:  You are so passionate about what you do – I loved it; Great Stories; I want to read your books.

I have to admit I am hooked.  I can’t wait to participate in the next showcase.

Check out my presentation.  It’s entitled “My Writing Adventures.”

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