No New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

Instead of coming up with New Year’s resolutions for my writing in 2016, I decided to take a friend’s advice and try a new approach. I wrote down what worked and what didn’t for me in media


  1. Blogging
  2. Facebook
  3. Twitter
  4. Seeking Reviews

Didn’t Work

  1. Blog tour
  2. Pinterest
  3. Goodreads
  4. Reviewing Books

Due to blogging, the activity on my website increased steadily over the year. My most successful blogs were about pitching your manuscripts to agents and editors and writing in general.  Blogs about historical trivia and book reviews were the least popular.  Setting up a blog tour took a great deal of time and was only minimally successful.

Joining Facebook groups dedicated to writing and sharing my blogs and other interesting information about writing resulted in a lot of activity on my website.  I joined Twitter in November and began sharing writing tidbits and my blogs. Creating a Tweet is short and quick and fits into my life style.  Goodreads was time consuming and sometimes confusing.  Although I like Pinterest, more of my pens about drawing and painting were repined than anything about biographies.

I was successful in obtaining reviews for my books simply by asking for them.  It was a time consuming process, but I received six 5 star reviews from Amazon reviewers and Debbie Alvarez, The Styling Librarian highly praised my biography of George Eastman on her blog.


My GoalsSo do I have a New Year’s Resolution? No!  But I do have goals.  What are they?  Keep doing what worked.  So I will continue blogging, making friends on Facebook, Tweeting regularly, and seeking more reviews.  Plus, I have two new goals for 2016.  I want to carve out more time to work on new projects and develop a workshop for writers on pitching their work.


What are your goals for 2016?


8 Responses to “No New Year’s Resolutions for 2016”

  1. Barbara Kramer Says:

    Great post, Lynda! I think I’ll do this too.

  2. Barbara Krasner Says:

    Glad my system worked for you!

  3. Robert McCarty Says:

    Very interesting and candid post. I think it would be helpful to all writers who are trying to raise awareness and get reviews for their books. Best wishes, Robert McCarty, Barking Planet Productions

  4. Lynda Pflueger Says:

    Thank you for your comment! Getting reviews is time consuming but necessary. I am also trying Net Galley with my lastest book: George Eastman: Bringing Photography to the People.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Kathy Cannon Wiechman Says:

    A very sensible approach. Kudos! My goal is to try and worm more sensibly as well. Happy 2016!

  6. Pam Phillips Says:

    My list of goal for my writing and illustrating is a long list. And it keeps getting longer everyday.

    I guess I’m still fine tuning it.

  7. Lynda Pflueger Says:

    Thank you for your comment. I just discovered your blog Swagger. What a neat idea! Highlights conferences are the best!

  8. Lynda Pflueger Says:

    Hi, Pam! The main thing is to keep writing and drawing. The rest will eventually fall into place.

    Happy New Year!

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